Tongkat Ali...Health Benefits and More...

Today, we will illustrate further Elevatme products and their composition. In this article, we’re going to look at one of the fundamental components of Elevatme products named  “Tongkat Ali Power Plus”.

What is Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali, or Longjack, is an herbal supplement that comes from South East Asia from the roots of the green shrub tree Eurycoma Longifolia. It’s used in traditional medicine in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other Asian countries to treat malaria, infections, fevers, male infertility, and erectile dysfunction.

What are the benefits of Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali roots are a traditional “anti-aging” remedy and modern supplements are intended to improve libido, energy, sports performance, and weight loss. Previous studies have shown properly-standardized Tongkat Ali to also stimulate the release of free testosterone, improve sex drive, reduce fatigue, and improve well-being. The health benefits of Tongkat Ali stem from various compounds found in the plant. It contains flavonoids, alkaloids, and other compounds that act as antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that fight cellular damage caused by molecules called free radicals. They may benefit your body in other ways as well.

Tongkat Ali is typically consumed in pills that contain an extract of the herb or as part of herbal drinks.

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